Report on presentation to BC Union of Social Workers

On June 28th 2022 representatives of the Canadian PSSD Society delivered a webinar to an audience of 30 mental health workers, social workers, educators and medical professionals to open up conversation about Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD), a debilitating condition triggered by antidepressant use with wide-ranging sexual and cognitive impacts. The webinar was hosted by the BC Union of Social Workers.

Delivered by clinical counsellor Yassie Pirani and medical advocate Emily Grey, the presentation spanned an hour and a half and covered the symptoms and life effects common to PSSD. Other topics of discussion included potential causes of the disorder, common misunderstandings between patients and medical professionals on the topic of PSSD, and the current obstacles to greater awareness and how they can be overcome.

Overall our webinar received a high level of engagement and positive feedback from attendees. Our contact at the BC Union of Social Workers informed us that it had been well-received and they would recommend us to speak at future events.

One criticism from several attendees was the current lack of quantitative data on PSSD prevalence. This is indeed an ongoing challenge that we hope upcoming research can address.

We are grateful to the BC Union of Social Workers for this opportunity and look forward to ongoing collaboration with mental health and medical professionals in shedding light on this condition.


Dr. Melanie Atlas of BC Centre for Vulvar Health interviews Emily Grey on PSSD


Fox News show host Tucker Carlson mentions PSSD